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Screening of film AMAMA by Asier Altuna

Euskal Etxeko bazkide eta lagunak, agur!

Eusko Etxeak AMAMA Euskal filma ikustera gonbidatzen zaituzte datorren larunbatean urriak 15an arratsaldeko 7:30-tan.

Asier Altunak zuzendurik AMAMA filmak baserrien garai bateko mundua irudikatzen du, geure begien aurrean desagertzen ari diren bizitzeko modua, jakintza eta balioak. Baserria sendia da, eta mende luzez oinordetzan jasotako jakintzan ditu sustraiak. Familian bi munduk talka egiten dute, eta bertan eteten da gurasoen eta seme-alaben arteko lokarria.

AMAMA 2015-ko Donostiako zinemaldian arrakasta haundia izan zuen. Zorionez Asier Altuna zuzendaria ere gurekin izango dugu larunbatean.

7etatik aurrera taberna irekia egongo da eta 7:30-tan filma erakutsiko dugu. Ondoren Pizza jateko aukera izango dugu taberna irekita jarraitzen duelarik.

Dear EENY members and friends,

We are proud to invite you to a screening of the Basque movie AMAMA (when a tree falls) at the Eusko Etxea of New York this Saturday October 15th at 7:30 pm. See the link below for more information about this film.

http://www.hollywoodreporter. com/review/amama-san- sebastian-review-826684

This debut feature-length fiction film by Asier Altuna (Bergara, Gipuzkoa, 1969) as a solo director is simultaneously a beautiful romantic poem to tradition and a portrait of inter-generational conflict. This intense rural drama was the only Basque-language item in competition at the 2015 San Sebastian film festival.

The director Asier Altuna will join us for the screening, and he will be available to answer any questions you might have.

On Saturday 15th the Bar will open at 7 pm and the screening will begin at 7:30 pm. After the movie we will serve Pizza and the Bar will remain open until closing.

Maritxu Kajoi + Gayaldia

Euskal Etxeko bazkide eta lagunak, agur!

Datorren larunbatean, urriaren 8an, Euskal Etxeak jai bikoitza ospatuko du: Gayaldi + Maritxu Kajoi

Aurtengoa laugarren Gayaldia izango da, aurreko hiru aldietan arrakasta handiz gure Euskal Etxeko aniztasuna ospatu ondoren.

Maritxu Kajoi Gipuzkoako Arrasate herrian ospatzen duten festa bat da. Itxura serioa du partehartzaileak dotore janzten direlako (jaka eta soineko beltzez) baina jatorrian Arrasaten dagoen Andre Maria baten inguruko txantxa baten ondorioz sortu zen. Antza denez Andre Maria hau kutxa batean barruan erakusten dute (hortik datorkio "kajoi" izena), iturri baten aldamenean dagoen baseliza batean (iturri honek ematen dio "Maritxu" izena, "Maritxu nora zoaz, eder galant hori?" abesti zahar ezaguneko Maritxu honek ematen duen erantzunagatik; "Iturrira Bartolo, nahi badezu etorri").

Gayaldia eta Maritxu Kajoi gurekin batean ospatzera gonbidatzen zaitugu. Taberna zabalik izango da eta pintxoak salgai izango dira.

Lekua: 307 Eckford Street, Greenpoint, NY (Metro irteera: Greenpoint, Linea Berdean)

Ordua: 20h00

Aholkatutako Janzkera: Kolore beltzeko edozer janzki dotore

Zatozte Euskal Etxera!

Hi to members and friends of the Basque Club!

This Saturday October 8 the Basque Club will celebrate a double festival: Gayaldi + Maritxu Kajoi

This will be the fourth edition of Gayaldi, after having previously celebrated three times the diversity of the Basque Club.

"Maritxu Kajoi" is a festival celebrated in the town of Arrasate (Gipuzkoa, Basqueland). It has a serious outlook because participants dress up as it were a gala, but the festival has a humble origin as a tease around the image of a Madonna that is located in Arrasate. This Madonna is exposed within a box (hence the adjective "kajoi" which means box), and she resides in a chapel that is located next to a fountain (hence the name "Maritxu")

"Maritxu" is the main character in the traditional Basque song of "Maritxu nora zoaz, eder galant hori? Iturrira, Bartolo, nahi badezu etorri" ("Beautiful and elegant Maritxu, where are you going? I am going to the fountain, Bartolo, came with me if you please"). The name "Maritxu" is the diminutive and familiar version of "Mari/Maria" ("Little Mary").

We would like to invite you to come celebrate with us both Gayaldi and Maritxu Kajoi. The bar will be open, and snacks will be for sale.

Place: 307 Eckford Street, Greenpoint, NY (Subway: Green Line, exit Greenpoint)

Time: 8pm

Suggested Attire: Any elegant clothes of black color

Come to the Basque Club!

Dear EENY members and friends,

We are proud to invite you to the Eusko Etxea of New York and celebrate with us the 6th edition of “San Tomas Eguna” festivity on Saturday December 10th (for more information about this festivity see link below).

On December 10th the event will begin at 4 pm. From 4 – 6:30 pm we will organize games for children. Come with your family and be part of the party!

At 6:30 pm Olentzero (Basque equivalent of Santa Claus see link Olentzero) will arrive at Eusko Etxea. Olentzero will offer presents for all children (parents should bring the presents). As in previous years, Olentzero will only offer one present per child of no more than $10 in purchase value. Each present should be wrapped and their recipient clearly identified.

After 7pm the bar will be open for drinks, and we will be serving our delicious Basque Cider "Sagardoa". You also will have the chance to taste our “pintxoak” (tapas) and “ogitartekoak” (sandwiches). There will be “txistorra” (traditional Basque sausage), xolomoa (pork loin), patatatortilla (potato omelette) and other specialty tapas available for purchase. Food will be available until 9:30 pm and the bar will remain open until closing.

In addition, we will have a raffle of farmer products. Beginning at 9:30 pm we will have a DJ playing a great selection of dance music.

Come join us! Let’s celebrate and enjoy San Tomas Eguna, our 2016 Christmas party together.


Iban Ubarretxena

EENY President

Euskal Etxeko bazkide eta lagunak, agur!

Eusko Etxeak San Tomas egunaren 6. edizioa ospatuko du, abenduaren 10an. (bide batez, urteroko legez gure eguberrifesta ere bilakatuko da).

Arratsaldeko 4-etatik aurrera ekitaldi mordoa antolatuko dira Eckford Street-eko gure egoitzan:

4etatik 6:30etara, haurrentzako jolas eta jokoak izango ditugu. Etorri zure familiarekin eta hartu parte arratsaldeko festa honetan.

Arratsaldeko seiterdietan Olentzero iritsiko da Euskal Etxera. Aurreko urteetan bezala Olentzerok gehienez $10-eko opari bana emango dio haurra bakoitzari (gurasoen eskuetan uzten dugu hau). Opariak garbi izendatuta eta paperez bilduta egon beharko dute.

7etatik aurrera: taberna irekia egongo da, besteak beste gure sagardo gozoa edateko. Nola ez, txistorra jateko aukera ere izango da: pintxo bezala eta ogitarteko bezala zerbitzatua. Eta horrekin batera, xolomoa, patata tortila, eta okasiorako prestatuko diren zenbait pintxo berezirekin gozatzeko aukera izango dugu.

Merkatuko produktu freskoekin osatutako hainbat saskiren zozketan parte hartzeko modua ere izango duzue.

Gaueko 9.30etatik aurrera zuzeneko musika dantzagarria izango dugu DJ baten eskutik.

Etorri Eusko Etxera eta ospatu dezagun San Tomas eguna behar bezala, eta eman diezaiogun ongi etorria 2016eko eguberri sasoiari.

Ongi izan,

Iban Ubarretxena​

NYEEko presidentea

Welcome party at Eusko Etxea of New York

Kaixo Euskal Etxeko bazkide eta lagunak,

New Yorkeko Euzko-Etxeak hirian dagoen euskal diaspora berriari ongi etorria ematen dio jai batera gonbidatuz.

Euskal kultura NYen sustatzeko helburuarekin eta jai anitzagoa izateko asmoz, jaira etorriko diren euskaldunei, jatorri desberdineko pertsonak gonbidatzera animatzen diegu.

Abuztuak 6an 8-n taberna arratsaldeko zortzietan irekiko da. Etortzeko asmoa baduzue, idatziozue mesedez Iker Goñiri.

Hello members and friends,

The Basque Club of New York welcomes the recent Basque diaspora in the city to a party.

In order to promote our culture in NYC, all Basque attendees are encouraged to invite non-Basque friends to the party.

On August 6th the bar will be open at 8:00 pm. If you are planning to go, please write a confirmation email to Iker Goñi.

FRIDAY JUNE 24TH @ 7:30 pm: Gaztelupe Chamber Choir

from Donostia-San Sebastian followed by dinner

Dear EENY members and friends,

Come join us at Eusko Etxea on Friday June 24th to enjoy the Gaztelupe Chamber Choir from Donostia-San Sebastian. Founded in 1965 the choir sings “a capella” an ample repertoire ranging from Haendel and Mozart, to the Basque composers Sorozabal, Guridi and Sarriegi. For reservations please email Iban Ubarretxena ( The deadline for reservations is June 22nd.

On June 24th the event will begin at 7:30 pm, followed by dinner. Dinner will be $35 per person (alcohol not included).

We look forward to seeing you on the 24th!!!


Iban Ubarretxena

EENY President

Dear EENY members and friends!!

Eusko Etxea of New York is proud to invite you to a welcoming reception for SD Eibar, the Basque soccer team playing in the Spanish “La Liga”.

For the first time in SD Eibar's history, the Armeros are set to cross the Atlantic to play two friendly fixtures. On 22 May the team will take on the Philadelphia Fury at Philadephia's Richard Wackar Stadium, whilst on 25 May they will face the New York Cosmos at the Sam Boyd Stadium, Las Vegas.

The reception is free and open to the public and will take place on Wednesday May 18th at 7:00 pm in our club. You will get the chance to meet the players and welcome them to the US!

Please RSVP to if you wish to attend this event.

Please join us on the 18th.


Iban Ubarretxena

EENY President

APRIL 30: INVITATION: “In The Footsteps of Basque Whalers” a cultural expedition.

Euskal Etxeko bazkide eta lagunak, agur!

Ostirala ekainak 24an Gaztelupeko Abesbatza entzuteko aukera izango dugu Euskal Etxean. 1965-ean Donostian sortua abesbatzak sari ugari irabazi ditu errepertorio zabal batean oinarriturik. Erreserbak egiteko, mesedez mezua bidaliozue Iban Ubarretxenari (

Ekainak 24-ean ekitaldia arratsaldeko zazpi t’erdietan hasiko da, ondoren afaria izango dugularik. Afaria $35 bakoitzeko izango da (alkohola kanpo).

Ongi izan,

Iban Ubarretxena

NYEEko presidentea

WEDNESDAY MAY 18th @ 7:00: pm: Welcome La Liga soccer team SD Eibar at Eusko Etxea of New York

Dear EENY members and friends,

It is a pleasure to invite you to a presentation of the new cultural expedition route “In The Footsteps of Basque Whalers" by 5A incentive planners at Eusko Etxea of New York on Saturday April 30th at 7:30 pm. Following the presentation there will be a reception with pintxos and sparkling cider. This is a cost free event and open to the public.

"In The Footsteps of Basque Whalers“ is a unique and exceptional expedition that will open a new and unprecedented cultural route that commemorates the history of Basque whalers is Newfoundland and Labrador. Four decades ago in the frigid waters off Red Bay, the Canadian Robert Grenier and the Basque Manu Izaguirre discovered the remains of the Nao San Juan sunk there in 1565 and in the process developed the methods and processes that have since become the international standard for scientific research in subaquatic archeology. This discovery, and their work, provided important evidence of historical Basque culture and valuable insight into some of the earliest history of Europeans in the Americas. The expedition will take place aboard the ship Ocean Endeavour and will contain an extensive program that combines adventure, history and science with the natural beauty of one of the most pristine landscapes on earth, the Atlantic Coast of Canada.

Hope to see you on April 30th.


Iban Ubarretxena

Euskal Etxeko bazkide eta lagunak, agur!

Jakinarazten dizuet larunbata, apirilak 30, arratsaldeko zazpi t'erdietan (7.30pm) "In the footsteps of Basque Whalers" expedizioari buruzko hitzaldia izango dugula Euskal Etxean. Ondoren errezepzioa egongo da pintxoak eta sagardoarekin

Ongi izan,

Iban Ubarretxena

Aberri Eguna 2016

JANUARY 17th: 2016 San Sebastian day /

URTARRILAK 17: 2016-ko Donostia eguna



Barcelona vs Athletic Bilbao

Dear EENY members and friends,

It saddens me deeply to announce the untimely death of Francisco Bazurto at the age of 42. Francisco died after 11 p.m. on Sunday night, when his car crashed into a bridge abutment on the Grand Central Parkway in front of LaGuardia Airport. Francisco was driving two friends to Manhattan. The front passenger is in critical condition. The rear-seat passenger is in recovery.

Francisco was a valued member of Eusko Etxea of New York. Good natured, generous in spirit and with a jovial temperament, Francisco was always ready to help and full of positive energy. His love for Basque culture and passion for Athletic Club were inspiring. As and experienced contractor he was instrumental in coordinating the recent renovation work at our club. We could not have done it without him.

On a more personal level Francisco and I worked very closely for the good of Eusko Etxea during the last year. He was always caring, polite and extremely generous. I am proud to call him my friend and will miss him dearly.

Our thoughts and hearts are with his wife and two children.

Iban Ubarretxena

President EENY

Euskal Etxeko bazkide eta lagunak, agur!

Bihotzean zama haundiarekin jakinarazten dizuet Francisco Bazurto, 42 urte zituela, igandean gaueko 11-ak aldera kotxezko istripu batean zendu dela. Kotxean beste bi bidaiari zeuden. Aurreko bidaiaria egoera larrian dago. Atzeko bidaiaria sendatzeko bidean aurkitzen da.

Euskal kulturarekiko maitasun handia zuelarik New York-eko Euskal Etxeko bazkide gogotsua izan zen Francisco. Pertsona zintzoa eta eskuzabala adiskide asko izan zituen. Alaia, humore onekoa eta beti laguntzeko prest, gure egoitzean egin ditugun berrikuntza lanetan arduraduna izan zen. Gure eskerrak eta errespetua zor diogu.

Francisco eta biok harreman estua geneukan. Bere laguna izateko izan dudan aukeragatik harro sentizen naiz eta benetan faltan botako dut.

Asko sentizen dugu bere heriotza. Une gogor honetan bere emazte eta seme-alabei bihotzetik gure maitasuna eta doluminik bizienak hedatzen dizkiegu.

Iban Ubarretxena

NYEE-ko Presidentea

Euskal Etxeko bazkide eta lagunak, agur!

Donostia eguna, larunbatean urtarrilaren 17-an gurekin ospatzera gonbidatzen zaituztegu. Erreserbak egiteko.

Urtarrilak 17an Euskal Etxeako taberna arratsaldeko ordubatean irekiko da eta Janaria hordu biterdietanan izango da bi t’erdietan hasiko da Barcelona vs. Athletic de Bilbao ren partida ikusiz.

Janarua arrai sopa, gulak, bakailua tomatearekin eta tarta izango dugu. Aldiz 15 urtetik beherakoentzat pasta eta oliaskoa prestatuko dugu. Danborrada afaldu onforen izango da. Afaria $35 bakoitzeko (alkohola kanpo) eta 15 urte edo gutxiagoenentzat dohainik.

Irrikitan gaude zuekin Donostia Eguna ospatu ahal izateko!!!

Ongi izan,

Iban Ubarretxena

NYEEko presidentea

Donostia eguna:

Beharrezko material guztiak ditugun arren Urtarrilak 17 Igandeko danborradarakeo, ondo pasa zure familiarekin eta zeure danborra egin danborrada afarirako !!

Besterik gabe kafe pote bat behar duzu, gerriko bat danborrean eransteko eta emailean erantzitako "I Danborrada NY" danbor estaltzeko.

Dear EENY members and friends,

Please come to the Eusko Etxea of New York and celebrate with us the “Donostia Eguna” festivity on Sunday January 17th (for more information about this festivity see the link below). For reservations please email ( or call (201.214.9649) Itziar Albisu. Due to the limited number of seats available we urge you to make your reservations as soon as possible. The deadline for reservations is January 13th.

On January 17th the bar will open at 1pm, we will serve pintxos followed by a meal at 2:30 pm watching Barcelona vs. Athletic de Bilbao.

The Meal will consist of fish soup, gulas (baby eels), cod with tomato sauce and cake for desert. We will also serve pasta and roasted chicken with fries for children 15 or under. Following dinner we will play Danborrada. Dinner will be $35 per person above the age of 15 (alcohol not included), and free for those 15 or under.


Iban Ubarretxena

EENY President

Even we have all the material for the danborrada dinner on January 17th, have fun with your family and make your own drum for the danborrada dinner!!

You just need a can of coffee, a rope to use it as a belt and the attached picture “I danborrada NY” to cover the drum.

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