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307 Eckford Street Building Lenders

 A tribute to the Board of Directors of Centro Vasco Americano, aka Euzko Etxea of New York, and the members of Euzko Etxea of New York who invested in the purchase of the building of 307 Eckford Street on March 28, 1974. These individuals had the foresight to see where they wanted the club to go in and wanted to have a place all their own so future generations can gather and share in their Basque Heritage. This was uncharted waters for them, it was the first time since 1948 that the club owned instead of being tenants. In spite of the numerous difficulties they faced as tenants, they decided to own their own part of history. We like to thank them for their courage and determination. Looking at present day it was an incredible task on all their parts to believe in themselves and each other and we speak for all generations who came after to thank them.


These individuals came together for the main purpose of their Basque Culture. They established an environment for future generations to celebrate what was important to all of them. This milestone was the beginning of promoting their vision of Basque consciousness by expanding their heritage for young and old alike. They made a financial sacrifice for all of us of the Basque Community of Euzko Etxea of New York.


Throughout the club’s history since the purchase of the 307 ECKFORD STREET BUILDING, many have contributed their time endlessly and talents to make Euzko Extea of New York a place to come an celebrate as Basque’s.






Donors  307 Eckford Building

T. Loiti

P. Monastero

G. Muruaga

S. Olabarriaga

F. & R. Oleaga

J. & G. Orbe

A & J Perdernales

M. & P. Pedernales

P. Salcedo

F. Surinaga

P. & M. Toja

J. Ulgalde

E. Uriarte

J. & M. Vidasolo

A. & A. Vina

T. Zarate 

J. & M. Abadia.                         

J. Aberaturi

P. & E. Aberasturi

R. Aberasturi

J. Abio

A. & M. Aguirre

J. Aguirre

J. Alzaga

J. & Y. Aramndi

H. & A. Arana

R. Aresti

M. Basterrechea

N. & M. Belaustegui

A. Coamano

H. & R. Egues

A. & A. Espizua

E. Espizua

E. Fradua

M.& L. Fradua

M. Garay

S. Garay

J. & C. Goicaechea

A. Graala

V. & M. Grusta

A. & L. Lezamiz

B. & J. Lezamiz

J. & M. Lezamiz

Euzko Etxea of New York - 307 Eckford Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222

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