Centro Vasco Society Inc.
(DDA Euzko Etxea of NY)
Luis Foncillas
Nacido en Pamplona-Iruña, resido en Nueva York desde 1994. He tenido varios cargos en la Euskal Etxea de Nueva York entre otros el de Presidente entre los años 2003 y 2005. Desde 2001 soy el corresponsal de Radio Euskadi Estados Unidos.
The beauty of Bacalao
The beauty of Bacalao
In the hands of a master, salt-dried codfish sings
Posted on Thu, Mar. 06, 2008
Sinfonia's bacalao vizcaina.
Recipe: Bacalao Al Pil Pil (Codfish in a Special Garlic Sauce)
• SinfonÃa (Basque), 4825 SW Eighth St., Coral Gables: Lunch and dinner; dinner entrees $13.50-$33; wine and beer only; free parking; 305-445-1103.
• Coimbra
(Portuguese), 4239 W. Flagler St., Miami: Lunch and dinner; dinner entrees $14.95-$38.95; wine and beer only; street parking; 305-446-3633.
• Old Lisbon
(Portuguese), 1698 SW 22nd St., Miami: Lunch and dinner; dinner entrees $14.95-$39.95; wine and beer only; free parking; 305-854-0039.
Like many Cuban Americans, I grew up eating bacalao a la vizcaina (codfish Basque style), rehydrated slabs of dried codfish cooked in a typical tomato, onion and pepper sauce (sofrito). Not very inspiring, really.
That desiccated fish from the North Atlantic became a staple on a Caribbean island is an anomaly of history -- a gift of immigrants from Spain's Basque region. And unless one's ancestors were among them, we Cubans generally are not masters of cod.
Bland in its fresh state, cod benefits from salt-drying. The process concentrates the flavor, and the reconstituted fish, if treated properly, has wonderful taste and texture.
It was not until I visited Spain that I experienced the full glory of salt cod, particularly in a sublime Basque preparation called bacalao al pil pil: The fish, soft and pillowy, swims in a bed of creamy, golden sauce.
Later, when I dared to try cooking it, I discovered there is no cream in the sauce. It is, instead, an emulsion of olive oil
and the juices emanating from the fish as it cooks, ever so slowly, in a pan that is shaken by hand for 20 minutes or more. (The name comes from the Basque pilpiliar, ''to shake.'') In my hands, alas, the emulsion curdled and the dish was a disaster.
When a new Basque restaurant, SinfonÃa, announced the pil pil dish was on the menu, I rushed there not only to eat it but to learn the secrets of making it from chef Jaime Pérez, 72, who was born in a town near Bilbao.
Pérez begins with salt cod loin from Norway (''The best comes from Scandinavia,'' he says, echoing age-old wisdom), and soaks it for 36 to 48 hours, changing the water frequently.
He cooks garlic cloves slowly in extra-virgin olive oil to flavor it, then discards the garlic. He pours the oil into a clay pot and heats it on the stove. He puts the cod in the oil, and for half an hour moves the pot up and down while the fish releases its juices.
If the sauce is too thick, he adds a few drops of water. Finally, he removes the pot from the fire, but keeps shaking it while the fish and the sauce finish cooking.
''Clay takes a long time to heat, but also a long time to cool down,'' Pérez explains.
His pil pil turns out beautifully, as does his bacalao a la vizcaina. The latter is quite different from what is served at local Cuban restaurants, although, like the Cubans, Pérez uses tomatoes in his sauce rather than the traditional pimientos choriceros, a mild Spanish chile he says he cannot get here.
The Basques mastered salt-cod cookery because they dominated the cod trade from the 11th to the 16th century -- an epic story Mark Kurlansky tells in his award-winning book, Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World
(Walker, 1997). For a wealth of salt-cod recipes, however, no one can beat their chief competitors on the Grand Banks,
the Portuguese.
The menus at Old Lisbon on Coral Way and the newer Coimbra on West Flagler Street are full of cod dishes. Coimbra's chef-owner, Fernando Santos, offers such classics as reconstituted loin of cod, grilled and served with a sauce of oil, parsley and garlic -- a dish of austere simplicity. Other cod dishes revel in excess: potatoes, egg, cream sauces, mayonnaise, the works.
Santos, too, sings the praises of Norwegian cod, although he complains about the prices. Canadian cod is an alternative. (Overfished to near-collapse, cod is relatively scare and commensurately expensive today.)
''You can take advantage of every part of the cod,'' says Santos. ''The cheeks, the tongue, the liver.'' Bone-in cod is tastier than the deboned loins, he says, but only hard-core cod fans, usually Portuguese or Brazilian, insist on it and call ahead to have it made.
Coimbra also serves bacalhau à Brás, a Portuguese comfort food that I've had almost every time I've dined with Brazilians. It's nothing but shredded cod with fine strips of onion and fried, shoestring-cut potatoes, all scrambled with egg. It's a dish that can evoke home even in someone like me, who never had it at home.
There is one dish at which all salt-cod eating nationalities excel, and that is fritters: Cuban frituras de bacalao, Portuguese bolinhos de bacalhau, croquetas de bacalao -- the latter good not only at a Basque emporium like SinfonÃa but at every Spanish restaurant in town. Everybody gets it right, even Yankees, whose fish cakes are made with cod.
And, having learned some of chef Perez's secrets, I'm ready to tackle bacalao al pil pil again in my own kitchen.
Any time now.
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From: Los Angeles Times
70 Years of 'Shock and Awe'
Mark Kurlansky
The 1937 air raid on the Basque city of Guernica ushered in the modern concept of total war.
April 26, 2007
El muñeco de Mikel Urmeneta clausura la "Cumbre Mundial de InfografÃa-Malofiej 2007"
El muñeco de Mikel Urmeneta clausura la "Cumbre Mundial de InfografÃa-Malofiej 2007"
31/03/2007 - 19:17
El muñeco de Mikel Urmeneta clausura la
El responsable del Departamento de Ideas de Kukuxumusu, Mikel Urmeneta, no clausuró la "Cumbre Mundial de InfografÃa-Malofiej 2007", tal y como rezaba el programa facilitado por la Universidad de Navarra. Un muñeco –idéntico al creador de Kukuxumusu- ocupó su lugar y fue, ante un centenar de personas, el encargado de desgranar algunas de las ideas que acompañan a los dibujos de la marca y de cerrar esta cita que desde hace quince años reúne a significativos nombres del mundo de la infografÃa y el diseño.
Mikel Urmeneta llegó plegado en una maleta y entregado por un repartidor de correo urgente. Asà accedió al edificio de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Navarra, donde, de esta forma tan poco habitual, comenzó la conferencia que clausuraba la decimoquinta edición de la "Cumbre Mundial de InfografÃa-Malofiej 2007", organizada por la propia Universidad y la Society For News Design.
El público, conformado por profesionales del mundo del diseño y los medios de comunicación, recibió agradecido la imaginativa apuesta de Urmeneta, que expuso sus argumentos a través de una grabación y con la compañÃa del responsable de Comunicación y Nuevas TecnologÃas de la empresa Ramón Arellano. Bajo el tÃtulo "Ventajas de la información plegable", Urmeneta fue desvelando algunos detalles de los dibujos más conocidos de Kukuxumusu y mostrando cómo, a través de ellos, la marca ha conseguido crear un universo particular.
Urmeneta comparó la infografÃa, "que intenta despejar dudas", con las camisetas y dibujos de Kukuxumusu, "que intentan crearlas". El muñeco, acompañado por la voz de Urmeneta enviada desde Nueva York, añadió que su marca disfruta comercializando mensajes ambiguos, confusos, contradictorios y con múltiples lecturas, para que cada individuo interprete a su manera lo que ve. Estas reflexiones fueron acompañadas con algunos de los dibujos más reconocibles de la firma.
Urmeneta utilizó la presencia del muñeco para volver a ratificar la validez del tÃtulo de su conferencia, ya que, según expuso, la principal ventaja de la información plegable es que le hubiera permitido hacerse presente en la Universidad de Navarra sin, en realidad, estar fÃsicamente allÃ.
De esta forma quedó clausurada la cumbre, en la que, además del muñeco de Urmeneta, han participado importantes referentes de mundo del diseño o la infografÃa como Javier Zarracina, director de gráficos de "The Boston Globe", Matt Ericsson, director adjunto de gráficos en "The New York Times", o Alejandro Tumas, director de infografÃa del diario argentino "ClarÃn".
Corto de Borja Cobega nominado para el Osca
Interesting Article that includes a short Video
Great article on one or two of our passions, drinkig sidra and eating