Centro Vasco Society Inc.
(DDA Euzko Etxea of NY)
NABO was started in 1973 with the intent of helping its member organizations to assist each other in the pursuit of the same objective: the perpetuation of "Basqueness" (Basque culture & identity).
Center of Basque Studies, University of Nevada, Reno
The Center is located at the university of nevada, reno, and has local information about basque community in nevada, but also cultural information, news about basques.
The Center for Basque Studies expands role as the leading international publisher of works in English promoting the Basque culture.
Euskal Kultura
Euskal Kultura
EUSKALKULTURA.COM consists of a bulletin and webpage that specializes in Basques, Basque clubs and Basque culture outside the geographical limits of Euskal Herria. It was created to serve the Basques in the Diaspora, as well as the greater Basque world, in order to aid the recognition of Basque contribution from ?the outside? pertaining to the larger global Basque community.
Euskal Diaspora
Euskaldiaspora is the geographical webscape of the Basque diaspora. The home of the Basque digital diaspora.
Imagine the Basque cyberspace.
Euskal Etxeak
From the Basque Clubs to the world: euskaletxeak.net is the meeting point for all the Basque communities abroad
Etxepare Basque institute
The Etxepare Basque Institute is an ambassador for our language and culture abroad, and encourages the international diffusion of the Basque language (Euskara) and Basque artists of all disciplines: from Basque literature to the performing arts, and including cinema, sculpture, painting and music.
Agirre Lehendakaria Center
Agirre Lehendakaria Center
Agirre Lehendakaria Center is a multidisciplinary research center within the framework of social sciences linked to the Universidad del Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and its campus of Excellence (Euskampus).
Washington D.C. Basque Club
The Washington, DC Euskal Etxea is a Basque Club formed in 2006 that gathers people from the greater Washington DC area with the purpose of:
- Keeping and practicing the culture and traditions of the Basque people
- Engaging in educational, social, and recreational activities to bring together those interested in the Basque people
- Supporting the members in any reasonable matter
- Promoting the Basque culture in the greater community
Hella Basque posts weekly content about Basque American culture and Basques in the media
Basque Administration / Euskal Administrazioa
Basque Administration / Euskal Administrazioa
Euskadiko administrazioaren ataria
Eusko Jaurlaritza/ Gobierno Vasco - Lehendakaritza
- Coordinación de la acción del Gobierno Vasco
- Relaciones sociales e institucionales y representación de Euskadi en el exterior.
- PolÃticas de cooperación al desarrollo e igualdad de género.
- Información ante los medios, desarrollo de nuevas tecnologÃas y producción multimedia.
- Eusko Jaurlaritzaren jarduna koordinatzea
- Harreman sozialak eta instituzionalak eta Euskadi atzerrian ordezkatzea.
- Garapenerako lankidetzaren eta genero-berdintasunaren arloko politikak.
- Hedabideei informazioa ematea, teknologia berrien garapena eta multimedia ekoizpena.
Basque News - Euskaldunon Berriak
Basque News - Euskaldunon Berriak
EITB (Euskal Irrati TeleBista)
Euskal Irrati Telebista is the Basque Country's public broadcast service. Its main brand is Euskal Telebista. The EITB group is the leading media group in the Basque Country with five television channels and five radio stations.
EITB.TV ( Free Basque Television)
Televisión on line de EiTB. Ven a ver EiTB a la carta la tv online gratis, sus programas de cocina, de opinión, de debate etc en euskera y castellano.
Euskonews es la publicación electrónica vÃa Internet sobre la ciencia y la cultura vasca que EI-SEV viene publicando desde 1998.
Buber's Basque Page
What started out as a personal homepage and a vehicle to learn HTML has grown to a site that contains nearly 1000 pages and receives over 16,000 hits per day. The popularity and usefulness of this site is a testament to all of the work done by the volunteers who have sent in articles on various subjects.
Miscellaneous / Bestelakoak
Miscellaneous / Bestelakoak