Centro Vasco Society Inc.
(DDA Euzko Etxea of NY)
The WSJ needs to print article on enigma of Basques
The WSJ needs to print article on enigma of Basques
From : Basque International Cultural Center
110 Wall Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10005
e-mail to: a.murray@wsj.com, j.heller@wsj.com, dave.pettit@wsj.com
Alan Murray, Executive Editor
Jamie Heller, Deputy Managing Editor
Dave Pettit, Deputy Managing Editor
Having read your article by Keith Johnson, November 6, 2007, Page 1 "Basque Inquisition" and the "Letters to the Editor," November 16, 2007, Page A19 "Euskera, the Very Ancient Basque Language" we are beginning to understand why the Basque International Cultural Center is getting so many queries about the Basques. The first article maligned and mocked the efforts of the Basques to restore their ancient language after it had been forbidden by the Fascist Government of Spain. The "Letters to the Editor" made some references to Basque language, and politics, but in no way did they explain who these people are and how they have survived with their culture, language and identity. How do you explain that Basques are also leading in technology and economy?
The Wall Street Journal needs to print an article, also on Page 1, that explains the enigma of the Basques.
We are suggesting that you contact someone who has done serious research on Basque history up to the present time. We recommend William Douglass of the University of Nevada, in Reno, and/or Mark Kurlansky, author of "The Basque History of the World." We hope this effort on your part will undo the negative, biased image that the first article has cast on the Wall Street Journal.
Anna M. Aguirre
Board Member
Basque International Cultural Center
110 Street Wall Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10005