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Gayaldi + Maritxu Kajoi

Welcome party dinner at Eusko Etxea of New York August

Welcome to America - June 28th, 2016

Basque Cultural Exchange Youth Group visited Eusko Etxea in Brooklyn, NY.

As many times before, young people arrive in a new country with open eyes & hearts to explore, to learn, to savor another aspect of life as they grow.

I wish for them, along with other youth groups that come here, they appreciate their opportunity & explore their travel environments, learn from their experiences & wish them the best.

On behalf of Basque International Cultural Center (BICC) & Eusko Etxea of New York (EENY) Welcome to America! Ongi Etorri eta Ondo Ibili!

Enrique Arana

WEDNESDAY MAY 18th @ 7:00: pm: Welcome La Liga

soccer team SD Eibar at Eusko Etxea of New York

“In The Footsteps of Basque Whalers” a cultural expedition.

FRIDAY JUNE 24TH @ 7:30 pm: Gaztelupe Chamber Choir from Donostia-San Sebastian followed by dinner



Barcelona vs Athletic Bilbao

Olentzero eta Santamas Jaia 2015

Uztaila 2015. "Luhartz" eta "Taberna Ibiltaria"

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