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1:29 AM on January 31, 2017 by

we just found out a year ago our family is of Basque origin, it's been very interesting doing some learning.

Ainhoa Lorente

3:33 AM on October 19, 2016

Good Morning,

We are students of the Eguzkibegi Ikastola of Galdakao (Bizkaia), we are doing a project that involves research of the Euskal Etxeak and we have chosen yours. It would be appreciated if can be answer a some of questions.

Here are the questions:

- When did the Basques first go there? Which date/year/decade?

- When was the foundation founded?

- Who are they- and which part of the Basque Country did they come?

- Why did they come?

- How many members are there in the foundation?

- What are they doing there now? Do they have jobs?

- What sort of ‘Basque things’ do they do?

- Do they have any special event?

- What can we find out about their identities now? How ‘Basque’ are they still?

Thank you very much.

Paul Escudero

12:05 AM on September 14, 2016

Hello, I am interested in coming to the club for any upcoming events. I seem to be having some trouble with my password/login. I can't find any phone # to call for information. I would like to travel to the basque country this coming summer and wondering if someone is interested in a house swap. I am looking to travel to Santander, Bilbao, Pamplona, or Navarra but primarily Santander. When does the club meet?

Annamaria Beatty

1:12 AM on August 10, 2016

I am very happy to find this club. NY is where my Basque grandmother arrived on her boat.

Amaia olaskoaga Berazadi

4:58 PM on May 23, 2016

Hello, My name is Amaia Olaskoaga, and I have a 12 year old daughter called Fiona who would like to improve her English by spending a few weeks in the US exchanging with a family with a daughter of the same age. That way, they could send their daughter to Euskadi to learn Spanish and/or Basque. We are a Basque family with British father and 4 children : a 16 year old son and three daughters aged 14, 12 and 9. We live in Getaria/Zarautz in Gipuzkoa, a coastal holiday area with great beaches, surfing and enjoyable, friendly Basque atmosphere for a young girl. Hoping this is of interest for someone! Thanks,

Amaia Olaskoaga Berazadi

3:56 PM on May 19, 2016

Arratsaldeon!Amaia Olaskoaga naiz ,Zarauztik.(Gipuzkoa)12 urteko alaba bat dut eta bere ingelesari bultzakada bat eman nahi dio.3 aste pasa nahiko lituzke estatu batuetan,bere edadeko seme alaba duen famili batean. Horrela gero beste 3 aste pasako lituzke gure etxean.6 senideko famili bat gara:1seme eta 3 alaba: 16 14 12 eta 9 urtekoak. Gure Udara hondatza,surf,lagunak eta horrelako plsnez beteta dago.Toki atsegin batean bizi garen famili euskaldun bat gara.Eskerrik asko!!!

Mark Doyaga

9:14 AM on April 21, 2016


I am Mark Doyaga, My mother is Emilia Doyaga Sarriugarte. She was not the president of the Basque club in NYC. however, she was in charge of The Society of Basque Studies in America. If you would like to contact me directly, you can email me at

Unai Sarriugarte

4:56 AM on September 25, 2015

Aupa familia euskalduna. Unai Sarriugarte daukat izena eta apiril-maiatz inguruan Ny-era joateko asmoa daukat. Bi- hiru aste oporretan. Euskal Etxea bisitatzeko asmoa badaukat. Boiseko aurtengo jaialdian, Sarriugartetar asko ezagutu nituen Mezu hau bidaltzen dizuet, norbaitek Emilia Doyaga Sarriugarte ezagutzen baduen jakiteko. Badakit Ny-ko Euskal Etxeko lehendakaria izan zela. Norbaitek berarekin kontaktua badauka esaiozue, bere bizkaiako familiar urruti batek maiatzean ezagutu nahiko zukeela. Besarkada bat. Unai Sarriugarte

3:18 AM on April 23, 2015

Zorionak, congratulations to EENY for the new webpage. Aurrera Baraxil, Julen, Iban and all the NY Basque club and community members. Eskerrik asko zuen lanagatik, see you soon! A pleasure to work with you!

Mario Aranburu Ugalde

4:58 PM on March 12, 2015

Bittor Piron: cu�nta verdad hay en lo que dices de los vascos que debieron dejar Euskal Herria. En Argentina somos muchos los que descendemos de vascos y en mi caso particular no he logrado seguir en contacto con mis "parientes" en Legazpi, Gipuzkoa. Tengo nire bihotz euskaldun y estoy desesperadamente intentando aprender m�s Euskera, la ancestral lengua de mis antepasados vascos. Agur bero bat.

Mario Aranburu Ugalde

4:53 PM on March 12, 2015

Kaixo Basque people in New York City! I wonder whether are some Basque descendants from Legazpi, Gipuzkoa, amongst your members. If so, please free contact me. I have been trying for a very long time now to learn some more Euskera, although I am aware of the fact that is rather difficult. Ez dut euskaraz hitz egiten, but I can read it and use some basic phrases. Eskuminak eta agur bero bat Argentinatik. Mario Aranburu Ugalde.

Javier Mancisidor Lusa

3:59 PM on October 22, 2013

Agur bero bat Euzko-Etxeari eta bereziki Aitzol Azurzari. Euskal Herriaren elkartasun osoa zuekin dago. Euskal herritarrok ez dugu merezi boterean daukagun "mafia" nazkagarri hori, eta inola ere ez dira euskaldunon oredezkariak. Pauso pausoka eraikitzen ari gera behar eta merezi dugun Euskal Herria, laister lortuko dugu. Mila esker eta besarkada haundi bat denoi.

Bittor Piron

7:21 PM on October 19, 2013

Toda mi solaridad con Aitzol Azurtza y la euskal etxae de New York. La vieja europa... siempre a considerado su di�spora de una manera muy paternalista. El Gobierno Vasco no se da cuenta de que... en realidad todos, todos, hemos salido de Euskadi y que... hemos decidido no volver! No volver a esa Jaungoiko eta lege zaharra que todav�a en 2013 gobierna en Euskadi. Saludos desde Montreal.

Amagoia Zelaieta

3:01 PM on October 19, 2013

Kaixo! Amagoia naiz, abenduan New York-era 3 aste joateko asmoa dut ingeles piskat ikastera... Norbaitekin etxe edo gela trukea egitea gustatuko litzaidake, ni joatea bertara 3 aste eta gero hangoak nire etxera etortzea nahi dutenean...Donostin bizi naiz, eta nere familiak Bilbon eta Bakion (kostaldeko herria) dute etxea, opor polit batzuk egiteko aukera aparegabea... Ezagutzen baduzue laguneen bat edo ezagunen bat interesatua egongo litzatekeena, esan mesedez. Euskerako klaseak ematen dituzuela ikusi dut, mintza praktika egiteko laguna behar baduzue, prest nago! Mil esker!

Iker Goni

2:56 PM on October 17, 2013

Kaixo Ion! Ez genekien Sarah-ren berririk. Eskerrik asko jakinaren gainean jartzeagatik eta zoriontzeagatik! Iker Go�i



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